FILMY MFOF 2017: The 82 Year Old Skydiver

Název / Film title: The 82 Year Old Skydiver

Země / Country: UK

Rok výrby / Year: 2015

Kategorie / Cathegory: A- adventure and extreme sport film

Držitel práv / Holder of copyrights: James Callum

Režisér / Director: James Callum

Délka / Duration: 4 minutes

V 82 letech má Dylis světový rekord jako nejstarší žena praktikující seskoky padákem na světě.

Film synopsis:

At 82, Dylis holds the world record for being the oldest female skydiver in the world.

Full of confidence and liberated by her passion Dylis talks us through her mindset before each dive. She confides that her only worry when it comes to skydiving is refusing to get out of the car at the drop zone because she knows that if she backed out of a dive she would regret it. In her opinion “the ecstasy is far more than the fear”.

Dylis describes skydiving as “better than having sex”. Along with the enjoyment, it has given Dylis the courage she needed to start her own charity and share the uplifting energy with others.

“I won’t stop until I know it’s not safe, so for now I will continue”. This is her story.



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